Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Artist Statement

For this final project I chose to make a series about change. Change is something that we all go through so in my series I show four different stages of change. The four stages are: how we change over time, how change affects us, how some people are afraid of change, and lastly how change is inevitable. I chose this theme because I think that everyone can relate because no matter whether we want it or not, we are constantly changing something in our lives or are faced with situations where change is necessary. Within each of my four stages, I used three photos to show that there is a process for each stage. Also change is always ongoing and it never stops so my photos show how we are adapting to change within each stage.
I used symbolism in all of my photos to represent different ways we feel about change. I think that they all work together as a cohesive series and complement each other by their unique lighting and color tones. My photos show different stages that everyone go through so I think they are easy to understand and relate to.

My final series

1. Change over time
2. Fear of change
3. Effects of change
4. Change is inevitable

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment: 8 photos

Different but the same: Lights

Favorite color:

The back of my head:
Using a flashlight:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Change is inevitable:

Open to change:

Fear of change:

Effects of change:

Change over time:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Clothing Advertisement

I made an advertisement for fashionable jackets. I pulled out the highlights on the gold buttons to draw your attention to the jacket. I also made a shadow of her in the background and lightened the white of her eyes and put darker make-up on her eyes in photoshop to make them pop out. I really like the shadow in this photo and how the whole picture is really smooth and airbrushed looking. I really like the expression on her face because I didn't want a cheesy picture of someone smiling. I also like how her hands are holding the jacket because I think it really draws your eye to notice the jacket as the focal point.

T.V. Show

The storyline of my t.v. show is about someone who is at that crossroads on deciding about their future. Everything is changing and this person is deciding between what people want him to do and what he feels he should. I took a close up picture of my nephew and blacked out everything around him so that he was the only thing in the picture. How he is staring off into the distance is supposed to represent him looking towards his dreams and thinking about what is important to him. The black space around him represents the negative attitudes of his family and friends and how they aren't supporting his decisions, making him unsure. I used my nephew as a model because I wanted to capture how when you are little your whole life is about your dreams but once people get older most of them let their dreams go and listen to everything negative around them.